Friday, May 05, 2006


Rummy lying or did Zarqawi grow his leg back?

Remember Zarqawi? You know..the guy they use to "prove" there was an Al Qaeda - Saddam connection? The guy who was supposedlly in Bagdhad to GET HIS LEG AMPUTATED??!?!?!?

Watch the video for yourself. Look around 1:50 (preview) and again around 25:20 (more extended portion) you see he is clearly walking without a limp in SAND!

They must have some pretty amazing prosthetics in Iraq. On top of
that..even if he was a below the knee amputee... how do you explain the
refitting for new prosthesis with the obvious weight gain in recent years?

"Arguments of convenience lack integrity and inevitably trip you up."
-- Donald Rumsfeld, in Rumsfeld's Rules
Mything the Point ©:
"Examining unexamined myths America accepts on faith value."

Rumsfeld may have made a statement that could be used against him, but then most of us have! Let's give up the myth of consistency. The only really consistent are the dead! Their dead all the time. As for lying, we need to grow-up. Bad policy decision that you disagree with, fine. Lying? That is usually the last refuge of the axe grinder.
I realize folks in DC are allergic to the "L" word but the facts are pretty clear here.

Rummy said "We know where they are"

When challenged at the National Press Club he dismissed it by saying "Sometimes I overstate for emphasis."

When challenged by McGovern he denied even saying it.

So he lied to Stephanopolous, admitted he did so at NPC and then lied to McGovern about lying to Stephanopolous.

I think if you look up "overstate" in the dictionary you will agree that claiming a difference between lying and intentional overstating is slicing it real thin....
Your article is very informative and helped me further.

Thanks, David
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